Cost: $10
Starring: Bird and Friends, BEST PARTY EVER, Charm City Comedy Project Ladies All Stars
Family Friendliness: Not So Much
Hometown(s): York, PA; Washington, D.C.; Harrisburg/DC/NYC/Baltimore
Join us for a fun-filled night of improv with three fantastic troupes!
![CosmicThankYoupicPromo - Michael Bird.jpg](
![Cosmic Sing - Michael Bird.jpg](
![Bird All Good - Michael Bird.jpg](
![28660677_837101389829877_4199165614569869074_n - BEST PARTY EVER.jpg](
In "Bird and Friends - Cosmic Unity," veteran improviser Michael Bird creates an improv show with the audience, where anybody watching can jump into his improv set at any time. That means if YOU are currently reading this, you can take part in Bird's improvised cosmic unity. <3
Elizabeth & Seth are throwing the BEST PARTY EVER and You're invited! Get ready for a completely improvised show that will leave all your previous celebrations in the dust!
Charm City Comedy Project Ladies All Stars
Our all-ladies improv team CCCP Ladies All Stars, included in the lineup, is composed of any number of the 27 woman members of CCCP. It's a pro-woman, trans-inclusive, and open-minded exploration of many themes, including woman's issues, politics, and religion. The show is meant to create community amongst women in MD, PA, DC, and VA, and create networking and performance opportunities. We solidify the connection between the performers by closing with an open ladies improv jam, where all the teams mix it up (and audience members are welcome to come up and participate). The lineup for this performance includes Phlegminism (A Harrisburg Improv Theater ladies team), No Artificial Sweeteners (an independent ladies team with members from Harrisburg and other parts of PA), Dream Spooners (a DC/NYC ladies duo), CCCP Ladies All Stars, and a Ladies Improv Jam.